RT @cvirendo: New article! Intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of post-thrombotic venous lesions using live overlay of center lines…
RT @cvirendo: New article! Intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of post-thrombotic venous lesions using live overlay of center lines…
RT @cvirendo: New article! Intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of post-thrombotic venous lesions using live overlay of center lines…
RT @dcmadoff: Hot off the press! Novel intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of chronic venous lesions w/live overlay of center lines…
RT @dcmadoff: Hot off the press! Novel intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of chronic venous lesions w/live overlay of center lines…
RT @cvirendo: New article! Intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of post-thrombotic venous lesions using live overlay of center lines…
RT @cvirendo: New article! Intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of post-thrombotic venous lesions using live overlay of center lines…
Great tool for crossing chronic venous occlusions and making sure you are crossing through the native channel @VenuVadlamudiMD @kush_r_desai @SIRspecialists @IRAngioClub @Dr_Sudi @JeffersonRads @WeillCornell_IR
RT @cvirendo: New article! Intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of post-thrombotic venous lesions using live overlay of center lines…
New article! Intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of post-thrombotic venous lesions using live overlay of center lines from pre-operative cross-sectional imaging | https://t.co/bwB8B2g368 @nyphospital @YaleRadiology @TJUHospital @RadioloSri @dcmadof
RT @dcmadoff: Hot off the press! Novel intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of chronic venous lesions w/live overlay of center lines…
Hot off the press! Novel intraprocedural guidance for recanalization of chronic venous lesions w/live overlay of center lines from preop cross-sectional scans. #irad @cirsesociety @Yale_IR @YaleRadiology @YaleMed @RadioloSri @DoustalyR @RonaldWinokurMD htt